Power Flush Herbal Detox Capsules


Power Flush Herbal Detox Capsules

Model No. A2304.
For optimal results, avoid all toxins and medications 24-72 hours before using POWER FLUSH. Drinking plenty of water the days before using will help lower your body's overall level of toxicity.
1. Take 7 herbal capsules with a 24 oz glass of water.
2. Wait 20 minutes, take another 7 herbal capsules with a 24 oz glass of water.
3. Wait another 20 minutes, and take the final 7 herbal capsules, 2 vitamin-B complex capsules and 2 creatine capsules with a 24 oz glass of water.
4. Finish taking the capsules shortly before the time you desire to be cleansed of toxins. Effectively removes all toxins up to five hours after ingestion


Serving Size
25 capsules ( 21 herbal, 2 vitamin-B and 2 creatine )





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